Topic outline

  • Welcome to the ALPM Palliative Care POCUS Workshop for 2024 in Toronto, Ontario!

    The series of next screencasts is meant to act as a basis to review POCUS before the course. This will help reduce the amount of lecturing in your 5-hour workshop in order to maximize the hands-on time and case-based discussion. Some of the information may be familiar to you already, so feel free to skip the parts you already know. It is open to review as many times before the course.

    Modules 1-5 are the Core Topics being covered during the day

    Modules 6-8 are extended topics that will be discussed at the end and available for some extra free scanning if desired, but are not needed to be watched ahead of time. Purely extra

  • Module 1- Introduction to Ultrasound

    This is meant to serve as an introduction to POCUS and how images are formed/identified. 
  • Module 2- Identifying Abdominal Free Fluid

    This module reviews how to identify Free Fluid of the Abdomen. While it focuses primarily on the use in the FAST exam, the principles are the same for use in assessment of Ascites. Recommended to watch prior to Ultrasound Guided Paracentesis 

  • Module 3- Ultrasound Guided Paracentesis

    This module describes how to:

    • Perform a Paracentesis and the Equipment Needed
    • Scanning for Ascites
    • Using ultrasound to assist your Paracentesis

    If new to POCUS, it is recommended you watch the Identification of Free Fluid Module before proceeding

  • Module 4- Assessment of Pleural Effusions

    This module goes over using Ultrasound in Lung Pathology. It is meant as a basic overview with a focus on Pleural Effusions and should be watched prior to the Thoracentesis Module

  • Module 5- Ultrasound Guided Thoracentesis

    This module describes how to:

    • Perform a Thoracentesis and the Equipment Needed
    • Scanning for Pleural Effusions and Landmarking
    • Using Ultrasound to assist your Thoracentesis

    If new to POCUS, it is recommended you watch the Assessment of Pleural Effusions before proceeding

  • Module 6- Deep Venous Thrombosis (Extended/Extra)

    This module describes how to:

    • Anatomy of a lower extremity DVT
    • How to perform a lower extremity DVT scan using POCUS

  • Module 7- Extended Thoracic Ultrasound and B-lines (Extended/Extra)

    The goal of this module is to build upon our previous modules to further explore the Lung by:

    -Reviewing the difference between A & B lines

    -Understand sonographic features of Fluid Overload 

    -Appreciate applications for Pneumonia and Undifferentiated Respiratory Distress

  • Module 8 - Bladder Volume Scanning (Extended/Extra)

    A quick video to review how to do a bladder scan and measure the volume